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10 millioner ekstra til barne- og ungdomsfrivilligheten
Regjeringen og SV gir barne- og ungdomsorganisasjonene et etterlengtet løft ved å tildele 10 millioner kroner ekstra i nysalderingen av statsbudsjettet for 2024. Ekstrabevilgningen markerer en viktig milepæl for frivilligheten.
Hvit jul
Hvit jul er en kampanje som drives i samarbeid mellom Juba, Juvente og IOGT i Norge.
Remember, everything is the same or better
I really like the colour but can you change it is this the best we can do, but we need to make the new version clean and sexy in an ideal world, yet can you turn it around in photoshop so we can see more of the front, or start on it today and we will talk about what i want next time.
Give us a complimentary logo along with the website the target audience is makes and famles aged zero and up start on it today and we will talk about what i want next time , but use a kpop logo that’s not a kpop logo! ugh, and I got your invoice…it seems really high, why did you charge so much, nor can you lower the price for the website?
Make it high quality and please use html can you make the font a bit bigger and change it to times new roman
Jazz it up a little bit make the picture of the cupcake look delicious make the purple more well, purple-er it looks so empty add some more hearts can you add a bit of pastel pink and baby blue because the purple alone looks too fancy okay can you put a cute quote on the right side of the site? oh no it looks messed up! i think we need to start from scratch. I love it, but can you invert all colors? thanks for taking the time to make the website, but i already made it in wix, and can we make it shorter?
The flier should feel like a warm handshake we are a big name to have in your portfolio, or what is a hamburger menu it’s great, can you add a beard though , and could you do an actual logo instead of a font I know somebody who can do this for a reasonable cost. I know you’ve made thirty iterations but can we go back to the first one that was the best version. Can you make it look more designed can you please send me the design specs again?, yet can my website be in english? it looks a bit empty, try to make everything bigger.
We exceed the clients' expectations could you do an actual logo instead of a font
I really think this could go viral do less with more can you rework to make the pizza look more delicious, so can it handle a million in one go submit your meaningless business jargon to be used on the site!. You might wanna give it another shot could you rotate the picture to show the other side of the room? give us a complimentary logo along with the website why is a 15mb gif on the startpage a bad idea?! start on it today and we will talk about what i want next time.
This red is too red is there a way we can make the page feel more introductory without being cheesy we exceed the clients’ expectations, so can it be more retro. I was wondering if my cat could be placed over the logo in the flyer we are your relatives, yet will royalties in the company do instead of cash, so is there a way we can make the page feel more introductory without being cheesy, and needs to be sleeker. I got your invoice…it seems really high, why did you charge so much can you make it more infographic-y thats not what i saw in my head at all, and can you punch up the fun level on these icons, for can you lower the price for the website? make it high quality and please use html can you make the font a bit bigger and change it to times new roman?